“The only thing I felt was a pain in my jaw,”
recounts Sasha, the night he suffered an ischemic stroke, also known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA). A small tear in the artery running along his neck had disrupted blood flow to his brain, leaving his left arm paralyzed and his speech distorted.

“80% of all strokes are so-called ‘ischemic strokes,'”
says Dr. Nils Thoennissen, Leading Physician of CBC Health. “It means the blood supply to the brain is interrupted and the neurons of the specific area of the brain, which is supplied by the specific vessel, are dying.”
Desperate to improve his odds of recovery, Sasha traveled to CBC Health in Munich, Germany and discovered that there is hope after stroke.
“When the patient comes to CBC Health, it’s important that they feel as comfortable as possible,”
says Daniel Neckermann, Medical Concierge at CBC Health.
“It’s important to help organize the flight, accommodation and a VISA if needed. Some patients are unable to talk, so I would set up a way that we can communicate.”
Cord blood to accelerate stroke recovery
Unlike most regenerative cell therapies, CBC Health uses certified and ethically sourced cord blood to treat stroke patients.
“What makes cord blood so interesting, so highly valued, compared to other cell therapies,”
says Dr. Thoennissen,
“is cord contains not only highly enriched cells, like stem cells, but cord blood also contains proteins which help the brain to dramatically taper down inflammation, regrow blood vessels and reconnect the neurons.”
How Sasha describes his experience
The outcome for Sasha has proved to be beyond his expectations.
“I only wish I could have done this three years ago,”
says Sasha. Sasha underwent treatment with regenerative cord blood at CBC Health and reports daily progress in his recovery. He is finally able to return to work, play sports and do things he used to do.