CBC Health - Overview
For more than twenty years, our founding company, Cord Blood Center Group has recorded many firsts in regenerative health. In 1997, Cord Blood Center was among the first in Europe to process and prepare cord blood for regenerative transplants. Cord Blood Center was one of the first companies in Europe to collect, process and store cord blood, cord tissue and placenta tissue with over 160,000 clients. These individuals may benefit from the regenerative effect of their cord blood in the future. Eurocord-Slovakia, a Cord Blood Center company, was among the first in Europe to establish a registry and repository for storing personal cord blood and a repository for donated cord blood which can be used for regenerative treatments for the general population.
CBC Health Benefits From Cord Blood Center’s Processing Excellence
Eurocord-Slovakia was named the best in the world for the highest average quantity of total nucleated cells in its cord blood grafts eight years in a row (BMDW, Annual Reports 2007- 2014). Cord Blood Center’s process preserves the highest possible quantity and broadest spectrum of stem cells.
CBC Health Benefits From Cord Blood Center’s Knowledge Base
Cord Blood Center is leading the way as a regenerative health company with a solid foundation of licensed laboratories and storage facilities. The company has active branches in Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia, Italy, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic and is expanding into new markets. Eurocord-Slovakia is a member of the international bone marrow and cord blood donors database; it is connected to the EMDIS, the international exchange network; and it is an associate member of other prestigious international organizations that set quality standards for cord blood products such as The World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA).