The advantages of cord blood in stem cell therapy
In other clinics, it is common for patients undergoing stem cell therapy there to provide their own stem cells in an invasive procedure. With donated cord blood, however, our stem cell units are readily available as soon as the patient is ready to receive treatment.
Some myths about stem cell therapy and stem cell research suggest it is an unethical practice. We want our patients to understand that we only use donated stem cells from Cord Blood that have been safely and ethically sourced by our parent company Cord Blood Center Group.

New parents now have the option to privately store their child’s cord blood, donate it to a public bank for someone in need, or have it thrown away.

If parents choose to have the cord blood collected, the collection process starts after the umbilical cord is cut. A needle is inserted into the umbilical cord to collect the remaining blood. The Cord Blood is stored in a medically safe bag, and a portion of the umbilical cord is placed in a collection jar for testing. That’s it.

CBCG only accepts the purest and most pristine Cord Blood units into their public bank, so our patients can be sure they are receiving the best.
Stem cells from Cord Blood are so pure that they are 300,000 times less likely to be contaminated than adult sourced stem cells. Cord blood can therefore be considered one of the most pristine forms of stem cells. It also offers the most benefits for stroke patients, should they wish to receive appropriate treatment.
If you or someone you love have suffered a recent ischemic stroke and want to learn more about CBC Health’s recovery treatment, visit us online or call us today +1 855 426 4623.